Special Announcement

February 29, 2020 - Hot Rodders for Robin Car Show February 29, 2020 - Hot Rodders for Robin Car Show

From Rocky Phillips:

My sister Robin was diagnosed with Cancer one year ago and is battling for her life. In an effort to raise her spirits I've decided to put on a car show for her in our home town of Easton, CA. just south of Fresno. The event will be held at the C.P.D.E.S. Hall and with parking for over 300 show cars I hope to deliver the largest Automotive event our small town has ever seen. Besides all the COOL show vehicles attending we'll have Gary and Andi Humenik's Top Fuel Dragster making beautiful noise that Easton has never heard, and some emotional surprises for my sister. Our friends at the Hall will have Refreshments and serve Breakfast Burritos early then Tri Tip, Chicken, and Rib dinner plates thru out the afternoon with proceeds benefiting Robin....so come Hungry! Once the event concludes we have a plan of cruising Washington Union High School like we did so many years ago........Easton will RUMBLE again!

We'd love to have you join us for an exciting, uplifting day Saturday February 29th at the C.P.D.E.S. Hall, 172 W. Jefferson Ave. Fresno (Easton), CA. 93706. Please see the attached poster for more information and follow our Hot Rodders for Robin Benefit Car Show FaceBook event page. For my friends who cannot attend and would like to help, donations can be made to my FaceBook Fundraiser Hot Rodders for Robin or mail your donation made out to Robin Calote to me at 1879 E. Adams Ave. Fresno, CA. 93725.

Thank you all for your time and hope to see you there!

Rocky Phillips

  • Location: C.P.D.E.S. Hall, 172 W. Jefferson Ave., Fresno (Easton), CA. 93706
  • Time: Gate opens at 8am, Show 10am - 2pm
  • Cost: $20 entry fee per car at the gate, with Top 5 awards. Spectators are FREE, bring some extra cash to enjoy an awesome BBQ lunch.

Donate to Fundraiser Hot Rodders for Robin

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